Ngarta Jinny Bent
Both Ngarta and her sister Jukuna were born in the Great Sandy Desert (located in the north-west of Western Australia and spanning more than 110,000 square miles and lived a largely nomadic lifestyle, wandering from waterhole to waterhole, accompanied by their kin.
Each sister was raised by a different woman — Ngarta was raised by her grandmother; Jukuna by her birth mother — so they have slightly different takes on things, but they both depict relatively simple lives focused on family and hunting/gathering. Everything they did was imbued with a deep sense of respect for their homelands.
Their existence was so remote and their lifestyle so ancient they had never set eyes on a white person before and knew nothing of the modern world. All this changed with the introduction of vast cattle stations in the Kimberley. In the book Two Sisters they describe their traditional life and the change to a European way of living