Mrs T Porter (c1931-2024) Kumpul, 2023 Tjarlirli and Kaltukatjara Art

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas Size: 40 x 76 cm ID: #23-1328KA
Price: $1100

    About this artwork

    During the Tjukurrpa time, Warlartu (Lake Hopkins) a freshwater lake, near Tjukurla, was created by the Porcupine man when he wirrirlipungu (threw) the spear from Kunmarnutjankuntja.

    The Tjukurrpa story for Kumpul is the Creation Beings, the Kanyarla (hill kangaroo) and Marlu (ground kangaroo) discussed leaving the lake to be a fresh water for people. Marlu wanted the lake to stay being a fresh water lake however the Kanyala decided against it. He made it salty by urinating into the lake. Kumpul spring was created – a thin narrow, shallow meandering creek which has salty water all year round.

    After a long days hunting during the summer in the early days, people would go to the Kumpul creek on their way home to cool themselves in the water by splashing water onto themselves. When their dogs drank the water, they would spit it out and yelp aloud due to the salt burning tongue and mouth.

    About Mrs T Porter (c1931-2024)

    Mrs Porter was born circa. 1931 and grew up in the desert near Yumara where she lived the traditional nomadic lifestyle with her family. After the death of her father, her family moved to the then newly established government settlement of Papunya. She then lived in Tjukurla, a remote indigenous community in the Western Desert of Australia which is close to her birth place. Tjawina was well known for her skills as a traditional basket weaver and carver of punu before becoming recognised for her exceptional painting skills. Her artworks represent the traditional homelands associated with her people's ancestral heritage. Her works are detailed in symbolism. The iconography depicts sand dunes known as tali and rock escarpments known as puli, as well as waterholes and food sources. Her designs are often used in body art during traditional corroborees. The artworks depict the physical markings that the ancient ancestors have provided to give evidence of their activities during the time of creation. In the years that Tjawina painted, she gained worldwide recognition, participating in many national and international group exhibitions. Her works are represented in private and public collection in Australia and overseas.