About this artwork
Lambalk, the Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps) lives in hollow trees like a possum. Lambalk come out at night to feed, flying from tree to tree. They are fond of the nectar of the manbune tree (Bloodwood, Corymbia polycarpa) and the sap of manbarlarra, (Emu Apple, Owenia vernicosa). In the cold season which Kunwinjku people call yekke, around May-June, the bloodwood flowers and the lambalk feed on the pink blossoms. The Old People used to light fires under trees to flush out possums to eat, but it’s not usual to eat sugar gliders.
About Graham Badari
Biography Graham Badari’s country is Maburrinj, in the rocky escarpment country about 120 kilometres east of Gunbalanya. He draws artistic inspiration from this environment and also paints the Dreamings of his Mother Country, Djurlka, where he spent time as a young man near the outstation of Marmardawerre. He was raised by the renowned artist Djawida Nadjongorle, but like many of the artists at Gunbalanya credits the late Thompson Yulidjirri as his greatest artistic influence. From these senior men, Badari learnt the fluid and dynamic figurative style that defines Kunwinjku painting at Injalak Arts. He began painting sporadically around 1990, but has since become part of a group of dedicated and innovative artists at Gunbalanya. His paintings show the influence of the visual language of their rock-art heritage, while remaining committed to artistic innovation. It is this beguiling balance of tensions, innovation and tradition, ancient and modern, beauty and terror, that energises Badari’s paintings. Awards 2016 Finalist, Works on Bark category National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, 2016 2015 Finalist, Works on Paper category National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award, 2015 2012 Finalist Works on Paper category Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Award, 2012 2011 Finalist, Work on Bark category,National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Award, 2011 2010 Works on Bark category National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Award, 2010 August 2009 Finalist, 26th National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Awards Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Darwin, 2009 August 2009 Finalist, 26th National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Awards Museum and Art Gallery of the NorthernTerritory Darwin, 2009 2009 Finalist, Togart Contemporary Art Award (acquired), 2009 2009 Winner, Works on Paper category National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Award, 2009 August 2008 Finalist 25th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Darwin, 2008 November 2008; Highly Commended, The Age Melbourne Fringe Festival, 2008 2008 Finalist Highly Commended and Acquired National Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Art Award, 2008 2007 FinalistNational Aboriginal Torres Islander Art Award, 2007 August 2006; Finalist 24th National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Art Awards Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Darwin, 2006