Nura Rupert Milpatjunanyi – Wati Ngintaka, 2007 Ernabella Arts

Medium: Etching Size: Paper 37x40 cm / Frame 48x51 cm ID: #NURAPR006IX-5-10
Price: $650

    About this artwork

    Wati Ngintaka came across some people that made such good damper, that he knew they must have the best grinding stone. He praised their damper so much, they wanted to be his friend and take him hunting. While they were out hunting, Ngintaka made an excuse to go back to camp, where he stole the stone. A small boy was watching and told his people what happened. They found Ngintaka and searched him, but couldn’t find the stone. He had hidden it on the tip of his tail. They let him go, but kept following him and when he stopped and hid the stone in a tree, the owners got it down. Ngintaka saw the men and came running with his spear, but they were too quick and he was killed.

    About Nura Rupert

    Nura Rupert is an Australian Aboriginal artist from north-west South Australia. She produces her works using intaglio methods of printmaking. The designs are drawn by etching and linocutting, and the prints are done on paper. Nura was born about 1933, in north-western South Australia.